Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some frequently asked questions regarding student insurance.  Please be sure to also review additional important questions and information in the Plan Summary & Benefit Coverage document.

Why must I be insured?

Insurance is an expense that we hope we never need to use.  Although you may think you won't need it, medical bills can be devestating to anyone.  We do not want you to have the pressure of financial insecurity should you have an emergency that results in thousands of dollars of unexpected medical bills.

It is a requirement of the university that all international students participate in the student health program and domestic students who are enrolled at half-time status or more must either enroll in the student health plan or be insured by a policy that covers accidents and illness. Since many students are away from home for the first time it is important that there is some way to pay for these unexpected needs when or if they arise.


I am an international student. Are the insurance requirements the same for me?

Currently, all international students are required to enroll in the student health insurance plan.  Waivers are no longer accepted with the following exceptions:

1. Canadian Students

2. Students who are sponsored by an employer or government and can provide proof of the insurance coverage.

3. Students who may have a US based group health plan through a parent or spouse. 

Since Andrews University has a "Hard Waiver" policy, what do I need to provide to Student Insurance as proof of other coverage?

Before you begin, be sure to know your Andrews ID number and take a photo of the front and back of your insurance card to upload.

You will need to complete the waiver form and upload a photo of your insurance card when you register online at registration central. Please make sure that you accurately complete all necessary insurance information, based on your current coverage. 
Please note:

  1. Some insurance policies are not valid outside the state where they were issued. Please check on this with your insurance carrier before you attempt to use their policy as proof.
  2. Some insurance covers at a much reduced rate outside of your coverage area. Make sure that if this is the case with your policy that the coverage amounts are sufficient.
  3. Medicaid from states other than Michigan is not accepted by health providers except for emergencies. Out of state Medicad policies will not provide the insurance coverage necesary to prevent financial devestation in the event of a medical emergency.
I do not have a copy of my insurance with me and it is registration time now. How do I register?

Any exceptions to the student insurance registration waiver process must be done by contacting the Student Insurance Office by email - 

Domestic students will not be able to complete registration without either purchasing a policy, or, uploading a photo of their current insurance information.

I have Michigan medicaid. Can I use this as my proof of insurance? Yes only if you are a domestic student. Your Medicaid coverage must meet the minimum requirement of the University.  Medicaid cards from states other than Michigan are not valid in Michigan. Except for emergencies, Michigan health providers do not accept Medicaid from states other than Michigan. Since Medicaid is granted on a month-by-month basis, you may be required to show proof of your Medicaid coverage at the beginning of each term.
I signed up for the insurance offered. How do I know if I really am insured?

When you registered, and chose to purchase the Student Insurance Policy, the dates of the coverage should have been listed. Your student insurance choice should still be available to view when you visit Registration Central. If you are still uncertian or have questions about your coverage,  you may email for further clarification.


I have no insurance card. What do I do? The provider, AETNA, will notify you by email when you have been entered into the system and a card is available online. Watch for communication from this email address: .  If you have a medical emergency, please contact the student insurance office at 269-471-3327 to obtain appropriate insurance information. You may visit this site to download your insurance card when it is available (look for the link that says ID Cards) or obtain more information about your benefits.
Can I purchase insurance for each term? Yes, when you enroll in SHIP, your enrollment will be for either Fall semester or Spring/Summer or Summer, depending upon when you enroll.  You will need to re-enroll each semester.
Can I purchase insurance coverage for my dependents? While we want to encourage you to make sure that you have proper insurance coverage for your dependents, you are not permitted to purchase the student health plan for them.  Only registered students can enroll in the student health plan. 
I would like to purchase insurance other than that offered by the university. Are there minimum requirements for insurance that need to be met? In order to waive the Andrews University sponsored health insurance plan your plan must have comparable coverage including:
  1. For international students (F and J visa holders), there is no option to waive the student health plan unless you are: a Canadian student, a sponsored student who is covered by an employer based health insurance, sponsored by a government that has provided proper documentation of your coverage.
  2. For domestic students, your coverage should provide the following:
  3. Unlimited maximum benefit for both accident and illness.
  4. If you take a policy with a deductible, this must be less than or equal to $2,500  per individual.
  5. No internal limits on Inpatient or Outpatient benefits.
  6. Co-insurance of 80% in network and 75% out-of-network.  Domestic students can have 60% out-of-network).
  7. Policy should cover the following with no limits or waiting periods:
  •         Physician office visits          
  •         Preexisting conditions
  •         Mental health
  •         Maternity
  •         Prescription Drugs (co-pay better than or equal to 50% of charges)
  1. Coverage of any dependents is optional for U.S. citizens and permanent residents.
  2. Policy to remain in effect for the entire academic year.
I now have other insurance. Can I get a refund on the remainder of my policy fees? Payments received by AHP are fully earned upon receipt. A refund of the payment will be considered only as specifically provided in the case of withdrawal from school within the first 31 days or entry into the Armed Forces. No other refund will be allowed.
I will graduate in May, why can't I get a refund for the summer months since I no longer need the insurance? The University negotiated the rates for the student health insurance plan based on a Fall, Spring/Summer and Summer policy.  We did inquire about giving students the ability to purchase the Spring/Summer policy seperately however, we learned that the cost to the student for a Spring only policy would have cost more than the Spring/Summer combined.  We opted for a longer policy at a lower cost rather than giving the option to end the insurance in May.
When do I fill out a claim form? Where do I get claim forms?

All claims should be submitted directly from the physician/hospital to AETNA.  The relevant information will be found on your insurance card.  

The customer service phone number is 888-407-0427.

You will find additional information regarding claims and benefits at:



The doctor said the insurance would pay...but they didnt, why? A doctor may reccomend treatment that he feels is necessary, but that treatment may not be covered by the insurance. It is his/her job to help you but he/she does not always know what your insurance will or will not cover. It is your responsibility to know your policy and to understand what is covered.

You may receive a questionnaire from the insurance company after you vist the doctor to ask you if your condition is pre-existent or an injury. You have to make sure that you respond to that letter so that your claims can be processed.

What is a network and why is it important to me? A network is a group of doctors and/or hosptials that have made an agreement with an insurance company. AETNA is affiliated with several networks.  The local one includes Lakeland/Spectrum Hospitals, and there are others for outside our local area. It is best to ask before visiting a physician whether or not they participate with AETNA.